Andys Farm LLC

providing healthy non-gmo meat, dairy and eggs

A Lot Happens In A Year

I can’t believe it has already been a year since we started this project. The house remodel is done, the pastures are in, and we have animals on the farm. When we started we weren’t sure which animals we wanted to focus on. After attending our local Farm Tour last October, I fell in love with alpacas. I did a ton of research about alpacas and visited some more alpaca ranches. I finally found what I was looking for at Heart & Soul Alpacas and Spinnery. We wanted animals that were friendly, gentle, and had the ability to become therapy animals. We are now the proud owners of 7 amazing alpacas with potentially 4 more on the way. Well we couldn’t stop their! We now have 20 chicks that will soon be laying in their Eggston Palace, built by my father, where they “chicken in but don’t chick out.” In about 5 weeks our Nigerian Dwarf goats arrive. Last but not least our American Guinea Hogs arrive Friday. I’m so glad that I graduated nursing school now that we have all these fun little animals grazing our farm. I will have more time to keep up with them and updating our blog. Let the CHAOS and beautiful sun rises continue!